Hey everyone! Hopefully, as you know Wings of the Wicked comes out January 31, and in honorary of that, Momo over at Books over Boys came up with this great idea to do a mini blog tour just on her blog! I loved Angelfire so I jumped at the chance to be apart of this! Luckily I was chosen and here we are now!
If you haven't read Angelfire, then stop reading this post, go get the book, and begin reading. If you have read the book, then you are awesome and keep reading! Not that those of you who haven't read Angelfire aren't awesome, just not as awesome as the ones who have! :)
So I have a few pieces of jewelry that are really important to me. They were all given to me by various family members and I love them dearly.
Two of them are rings that my Mom gave me.
Another is a Pandora charm bracelet that my grandmother gave me, and the other is a Shama necklace that was given to my brother that I gladly took because he doesn't wear necklaces!

And here is an awesome picture of the ever crazy Nicki Minaj! I thought it would go well with the theme!! :)
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