Saturday, June 11, 2011


First there are nightmares.
Every night Ellie is haunted by terrifying dreams of monstrous creatures that are hunting her, killing her.
Then come the memories.
When Ellie meets Will, she feels on the verge of remembering something just beyond her grasp. His attention is intense and romantic, and Ellie feels like her soul has known him for centuries. On her seventeenth birthday, on a dark street at midnight, Will awakens Ellie's power, and she knows that she can fight the creatures that stalk her in the grim darkness. Only Will holds the key to Ellie's memories, whole lifetimes of them, and when she looks at him, she can no longer pretend anything was just a dream.
Now she must hunt.
Ellie has power that no one can match, and her role is to hunt and kill the reapers that prey on human souls. But in order to survive the dangerous and ancient battle of the angels and the Fallen, she must also hunt for the secrets of her past lives and truths that may be too frightening to remember. --from

I know, I know, I should've posted this a little sooner, but I enjoy my summer. While it's still here, that is.
I found Angelfire to be an odd yet delightful read. Normally I'm not a big paranormal reader, but I was told that this was awesome, and they were right. Ellie was really brave and head strong, although she did have her weak moments. She was learning everything right along with us, and those feelings of weakness made her feel more human, more like us. Will was... Awesome. The brave hot guys always are. He has the entire mysterious thing going on throughout the book, and I'm hoping in the sequel there's more of him. Not that we didn't see plenty in this one.  They did do some stupid stuff that I wouldn't have done, things always worked out in the end.
At least, I hope so.
The writing was good, the plot didn't drag... I liked it. There was a lot of fight scenes though, especially at the end. But that is totally expected when your heroine is an awesome demon killing... thing. If it were a movie I would give it 40 out of 51 tacos, which is hard to achieve.
I hope you have a fabulous summer, and until next time I hope you add this to your stack of books to read at the pool.

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