Monday, October 17, 2011

Meet Me On Monday: #2

This weekly meme is host by Never Growing Old. She post's the questions every Sunday so we can answer them on Monday's!

1. The thing that scares me the most is _________?
I think it's growing up. I like being young, it's fun and full of adventures!
2. Do you like nuts in your chocolate chip cookies?
NO!! Ugh.. That would just ruin them... Chocolate cookies shouldn't be crunchy!
3. If you couldn't change the channel, what TV show would drive you from the room?
Hmm... I don't know. Probably Golf.. Does that count as a TV show?
4. Pulp or no pulp in your Orange Juice? 
No pulp. If my orange juice has pulp in it, I will not drink it! That is just gross!
5. Who do you miss the most? 
My Grandma. She's still alive but she lives on the other side of the US and I never get to see her.

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